By L-Soft Staff
In 1993, before the Internet became mainstream, there were 20 people who wanted to come together to "talk shop" and share support about their work as research administrators. The result was the Research Administration Discussion List (RESADM-L), run on L-Soft's LISTSERV email list software. Founded as a community for research administrators to discuss and decipher the complexities of applying for and administering government-funded research grants, today RESADM-L brings together about 3,000 professionals in this specialized and highly challenging field.
With a membership that includes research administrators and staff from universities, hospitals, and government and non-profit research labs, RESADM-L is sponsored by the New York state non-profit, Health Research, Inc. (HRI) that founded it in 1993.
By Teresia Sjödin Communication Designer, L-Soft
The web experience is, without a doubt, increasingly extending beyond personal computers to mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. In the year ahead, email marketing will take an essential role in an environment where more and more potential customers are reading their email.
Not only is it time to consider how websites can be best developed to meet the needs of users who are navigating with their fingertips but future email design will also be influenced more by mobile devices, and the gap between computer email and mobile email will continue to close. As this arena grows, small businesses are starting – or will need to start – designing email marketing campaigns for mobile phones.
By L-Soft Staff
A new season of the LISTSERV Choice Awards, also known as "The Mailys" is now open for nominations. Nominating a LISTSERV list or LISTSERV Maestro email marketing campaign is easier than ever. Everyone who nominates a new list and submits a valid, completed nomination form to L-Soft, with a postal mailing address, will receive an L-Soft promotional item of their choice, including t-shirts and tote bags.
The always-exciting public voting phase will commence as soon as the first nominations have been received.
By L-Soft Staff
This is a landmark year for L-Soft staff and the LISTSERV community worldwide as LISTSERV turns 25. Originally created in 1986 by Eric Thomas, then an engineering student in Paris, now the Founder and CEO of L-Soft, LISTSERV was the first program to automate email list management, launching the permission email list communication industry.
Calls for your LISTSERV stories, special anniversary prize giveaways and many more opportunities are in the works, leading up to the official anniversary date, June 23, 2011. To receive up-to-the-minute updates about upcoming anniversary activities, bookmark or subscribe to EmailBits, L-Soft's new microblog list. Meanwhile, travel through a quarter-century of LISTSERV with the new timeline.
Q: What are some time-saving hints and tips that everyday LISTSERV site administrators and list owners may not know?
Answer by Ben Parker Chief Corporate Consultant, L-Soft
This tech tip will be a collection of some time- and labor-saving hints and tips for LISTSERV site administrators and list owners, including how to perform mass edits on list headers, speed up the list creation process, and how to smoothly test various list header settings for their effect.
Q: How can I use LDAP and Dynamic Query Lists with LISTSERV Maestro?
Answer by Ben Parker Chief Corporate Consultant, L-Soft
With version 16.0 and later, LISTSERV can connect to an LDAP directory either to authenticate user logins or to return results for Dynamic Query Lists (lists of addresses to be mailed to, resulting from a real-time LDAP query). LISTSERV Maestro can also make use of this Dynamic Query process for doing mailings. LISTSERV Maestro passes the query to LISTSERV, which in turn passes the query to LDAP. Results are returned to LISTSERV, and the mailing is sent out.