By Outi Tuomaala, Vice President, Marketing, L-Soft
The three most popular web-based email services have been busy in recent months. By streamlining their interfaces, upgrading existing functions, integrating additional services (such as voice-over-IP and social media connections) and providing mobile access, usability has been greatly improved. Better spam handling and categorizing of incoming messages have also been added to help users keep their inboxes under control.
By L-Soft Staff
In a close first month of voting in The Mailys 2013, a discussion list about Scottish Deerhounds managed to edge out the win over a forum for New York City school library personnel, and becoming the first of the five finalists eligible for the grand prize. Congratulations to DEERHOUND-L!
The Mailys 2013 - September Results (Top 3) |
45.87% |
October voting has now begun and will determine the next finalist. Please remember that even though voting is already ongoing, The Mailys 2013 is open for additional nominations. There are four more chances to become a finalist, and the vote counters will be reset at the beginning of each month. If your favorite email discussion list or newsletter is not yet among the nominees, get it into the running and nominate it! You may even win a trip to Stockholm, Sweden, and meet Eric Thomas, the inventor of LISTSERV.
By Susan Brown Faghani, Manager, Marketing and Sales Communications, L-Soft
As email list communicators, it's clear that tailoring our messages and campaigns to the demographics and preferences of our subscribers brings stronger relationships and better outcomes. And of course, we all want to avoid the proverbial "special offer on beach umbrellas" email being sent to people in the Arctic.
Q: How can I use LISTSERV with my existing database?
Answer by Liam Kelly Senior Consulting Analyst, L-Soft
If you're installing LISTSERV in an environment that already has an available database server, you may want to use that DBMS for LISTSERV list subscriptions. In this tech tip, we'll discuss two different ways of connecting LISTSERV to an existing DBMS. Each method has different advantages and limitations.
Q: What exactly is drop-in content and how do I use it?
Answer by Ben Parker Chief Corporate Consultant, L-Soft
LISTSERV Maestro has a number of features intended to save you time and effort as well as reduce mistakes when preparing and sending mail jobs. One such feature is drop-in content. Drop-in content is simply pre-defined, prepared content that can be easily substituted into your message, hence the name.