Index B Branding adding custom text strings introduction C Custom Style Customization Page Layout Screen using Customization Wizard using Customizing all notification emails message templates specific notification emails specific text for a specific dataset specific text for all datasets the layout of a page for a specific dataset the page frame and/or style the Subscriber Interface using the Customization Wizard who needs to be involved 1, 2 D Dataset sending HTML notification emails 1, 2 Default Style Sheet E Error Messages editing External Profile Edit Page customizing H HTML Messages sending notification emails for a dataset 1, 2 HTML Tags I Importing a translated language Informational Messages editing Installing a translated language L Language choosing for the HUB choosing for the Subscriber Interface choosing for the User Interface importing installing a translated language translating types supported for translation using a translated language M Membership Area Footer Template Membership Area Header Template Membership Area Layout Tab using Membership Area Page Membership Area State Tab using Message Templates creating a copy of a system template a copy of an existing user-defined template based on an existing job by uploading pre-defined text HTML plain text customizing defining the content defining the template settings disabling downloading enabling managing placeholders #Index# in multiple values prefix/suffix #Title# in prefix/suffix creating editing inserting multi-placeholder repeater multiple values in prefix/suffix prefix and suffix rules system copying defined user-defined copying defined using drop-in content Messages sending HTML notification emails for a dataset 1, 2 P Pages editing Membership Area Placeholder Types conditional free mandatory restricted optional restricted profile structural with attributes with body without body Profile Field Placeholders acknowledge style boolean button clickable link hide subscription option LISTSERV List Topic mail header style multiple-select quick login option single-select subscription status subscription type text, number, email, password tracking permission R Resource Translation Tool choosing a language for the HUB choosing a language for the User Interface choosing for the Subscriber Interface date and time formats finding a node in the Recourse Tree HTML code importing a translated language installing a translated language introduction key/value entries navigating the Resource Tree navigating with keyboard shortcuts requirements translating using a translated language word replacement S Subscriber Notification Emails editing T Template Placeholders #Index# in multiple values prefix/suffix #Title# in prefix/suffix creating editing inserting multi-placeholder repeater multiple values in prefix/suffix prefix and suffix rules Templates editing Membership Area Footer Membership Area Header Translating all text to a different language for all datasets languages supported requirements starting the language who needs to be involved W What’s New requesting profile field updates page sending HTML notification emails for a dataset the External Profile Edit Page unregister message pages unsubscribe message pages