[LISTSERV - the mailing list management classic]

LISTSERV Top 20 statistics – August 1995

There are many possible ways to measure the relative "importance" or "size" of LISTSERV sites: number of lists, number of subscribers, number of messages delivered, etc. In most cases, the number of messages delivered is used to rank mailing list managers, because it is the most accurate measurement of the amount of activity on the server. But, depending on what you are looking for, other variables may be more appropriate. There are currently three LISTSERV "Top 20" lists, ranking the various servers according to:

In addition, you can view a list of the Top 20 lists in the network (by number of subscribers).

What do these numbers mean exactly?

The statistics are gathered daily by a monitor at L-Soft which polls all the LISTSERV sites that participate in the "open" LISTSERV network over the worldwide Internet. Corporate servers operating in a "closed" environment are not included.

The statistics are organized in monthly reports. The message volume figures are a flat average of the accumulated traffic for the entire month. Thus, a server that delivers 300,000 messages per month will show a daily average of 10,000 messages. In practice, there is a lot less traffic during the weekend, and even during business days there can be significant fluctuations (~30%). The list statistics (number of lists, number of subscribers, largest lists in the network) are measured as of the last day in the month.

For the current month, the message volume figures are averaged based on the number of days that have elapsed. In practice, the figures are not very meaningful in the first few days, especially if the month starts on a weekend. In that case it is best to refer to the previous month for more accurate figures.

A fourth "Top 20" list is available for the more technically oriented: Number of messages generated by the server. This corresponds to the number of mail messages created by the server while processing postings to its mailing lists. LISTSERV delivers its mail using an intelligent mail delivery function called DISTRIBUTE, which improves mail delivery times and reduces bandwidth usage by spreading the delivery chore over scores of participating servers. Each of these servers processes the recipients for its service area (typically its organization or campus). In most cases, DISTRIBUTE simply alters the manner in which the mail is delivered, and the number of messages forwarded to other sites for optimized delivery is roughly equal to the number of messages received by other sites for the same purpose. In some cases, however, this is not the case, either because the server elected to serve a much wider service area than its own organization, or because it is explicitly forwarding all its deliveries to another machine (for instance, many mainframe-based servers forward their mail to a workstation or PC for delivery).

Top 20 sites by volume delivered daily (AUG95, 1-31)

Pos Recipients  Site
--- ----------  ----
  1     537261  PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM (Windows NT 3.50)
  2     439277  PSUVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  3     367065  UBVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  4     236453  UGA (VM/ESA 2.1)
  5     175935  UKCC (VM/ESA 2.2)
  6     152613  LISTSERV.SYR.EDU (Solaris 2.4)
  7     141389  LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU (Ultrix 4.2)
  8     137628  NDSUVM1 (VM/ESA 2.2)
  9     127723  AMERICAN.EDU (AIX 3.2.4)
 10     112659  SJUVM (VM/SP 7)
 11     110109  LISTSERV.TAMU.EDU (Solaris 2.4)
 12      97143  CUNYVM (VM/ESA 1.0)
 13      95593  UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU (VM/ESA 2.2)
 14      94265  UMDD (VM/HPO 5.0)
 15      82269  SEGATE (OpenVMS V6.1)
 16      81984  MAIL.EWORLD.COM (HP-UX A.09.04)
 17      78404  MSU.EDU (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 18      78160  UIUCVMD (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 19      76994  LISTSERV.RL.AC.UK (SunOS 4.1.3)
 20      75113  YALEVM (VM/HPO 5.0)

Top 20 sites by number of subscribers (31 Aug 1995)

Pos Subscribers  Site
--- -----------  ----
  1       93877  LISTSERV.CLARK.NET (Solaris 2.4)
  2       80343  UICVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  3       77240  UBVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  4       66187  PSUVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  5       64575  NDSUVM1 (VM/ESA 2.2)
  6       55755  UGA (VM/ESA 2.1)
  7       48941  INDNET.BGSU.EDU (SunOS 4.1.3_U1)
  8       44709  IUBVM (VM/SP 7)
  9       41996  ASUACAD (VM/ESA 2.2)
 10       39952  MSU.EDU (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 11       38630  UKCC (VM/ESA 2.2)
 12       37080  UIUCVMD (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 13       34993  RICEVM1.RICE.EDU (VM/ESA 2.2)
 14       34920  LISTSERV.SYR.EDU (Solaris 2.4)
 15       34016  HEARN (VM/ESA 2.2)
 16       33075  TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU (VM/HPO 6.0)
 17       32621  CUNYVM (VM/ESA 1.0)
 18       31903  AMERICAN.EDU (AIX 3.2.4)
 19       31498  VTVM1 (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 20       30944  MITVMA (VM/ESA 2.2)

Top 20 sites by number of lists (31 Aug 1995)

Pos Lists  Site
--- -----  ----
  1   535  UKCC (VM/ESA 2.2)
  2   522  PSUVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  3   457  UICVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  4   429  UBVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  5   396  IRISHVMA (VM/ESA 1.1)
  6   391  CERNVM (VM/ESA 2.1)
  7   382  LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU (AIX 3.2.5)
  8   341  INDYCMS (VM/ESA 1.1)
  9   334  HEARN (VM/ESA 2.2)
 10   327  MITVMA (VM/ESA 2.2)
 11   313  NDSUVM1 (VM/ESA 2.2)
 12   311  NIHLIST (VM/SP 5)
 13   309  EMUVM1 (VM/ESA 1.1)
 14   304  UGA (VM/ESA 2.1)
 15   297  UMRVMB (VM/HPO 5.0)
 16   286  TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU (VM/HPO 6.0)
 17   271  AMERICAN.EDU (AIX 3.2.4)
 18   265  LISTSERV.SYR.EDU (Solaris 2.4)
 19   250  MCGILL1 (VM/ESA 2.1)
 20   243  ASUACAD (VM/ESA 2.2)

Top 20 sites by volume generated daily (AUG95, 1-31)

Pos Recipients  Site
--- ----------  ----
  1     336636  UBVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  2     288285  PSUVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  3     204091  PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM (Windows NT 3.50)
  4     175050  UKCC (VM/ESA 2.2)
  5     165931  BROWNVM (VM/ESA 1.1)
  6     153251  LISTSERV.SYR.EDU (Solaris 2.4)
  7     146072  NDSUVM1 (VM/ESA 2.2)
  8     142654  AMERICAN.EDU (AIX 3.2.4)
  9     126895  TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU (VM/HPO 6.0)
 10     123483  SJUVM (VM/SP 7)
 11     108854  UGA (VM/ESA 2.1)
 12     107616  UMDD (VM/HPO 5.0)
 13      97501  UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU (VM/ESA 2.2)
 14      95451  IUBVM (VM/SP 7)
 15      94432  CUNYVM (VM/ESA 1.0)
 16      91191  MSU.EDU (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 17      81470  YALEVM (VM/HPO 5.0)
 18      78751  TREARN (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 19      76715  UIUCVMD (VM/XA SP 2.1)
 20      76151  LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU (AIX 3.2.5)

Top 20 lists by number of subscribers (31 Aug 1995)

Pos Subscribers  Site
--- -----------  ----
  1       84874  TOPTEN@LISTSERV.CLARK.NET (Solaris 2.4)
  2       25515  TIDBITS@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU (VM/ESA 2.2)
  3       15646  NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1 (VM/ESA 2.2)
  4       13845  INDIA-L@INDNET.BGSU.EDU (SunOS 4.1.3_U1)
  5       11591  OMRI-L@UBVM (VM/ESA 2.2)
  6       11074  CCMAN-L@UGA (VM/ESA 2.1)
  7        9957  INDIA-D@INDNET.BGSU.EDU (SunOS 4.1.3_U1)
  8        9504  PACS-L@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU (VM/ESA 2.2)
  9        9210  CHINA-ND@KENTVM (VM/ESA 2.1)
 10        8683  CHAN-MSG@ITSSRV1.UCSF.EDU (AIX 3.2.5)
 11        8642  ISRAELINE@TAUNIVM (VM/HPO 5.0)
 12        8402  LOOKING@INDNET.BGSU.EDU (SunOS 4.1.3_U1)
 13        8342  MACCHAT@TEMPLEVM (VM/ESA 2.1)
 14        8155  UCSMON@IUBVM (VM/SP 7)
 15        8141  TESL-L@CUNYVM (VM/ESA 1.0)
 16        7781  LATE-SHOW-NEWS@AMERICAN.EDU (AIX 3.2.4)
 17        7757  CHINA-NN@ASUACAD (VM/ESA 2.2)
 18        7551  ONLINE-L@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM (Windows NT 3.50)
 19        7058  GERMNEWS@DEARN (VM/ESA 1.1)
 20        6847  HUMOR@UGA (VM/ESA 2.1)