New in LISTSERV Maestro 6.0

Note: LISTSERV Maestro 6.0 is an old version. For information about the latest version, see: New in LISTSERV Maestro 11.0.

Improved Navigation: The LISTSERV Maestro explorer is a new hub where senders can find their dashboards, mail jobs, recipient lists and reports in an object tree for quick and easy access. The explorer comes with breadcrumb navigation, allowing users to keep track of their location at all times.

Improved Content Editing: The HTML and message editor has been enhanced, with maximum space for editing the content and a sidebar for additional controls, for example to insert merge fields or drop-ins, or to change template colors on the fly. The editor also supports keyword highlighting, syntax coloring and auto-completion.

Improved A/B-Split Testing: When sending A/B-split jobs with sampling, a new streamlined report displays the data for all variants, making it easy to pick the best performer with a single click, after which it's automatically delivered to the rest of the recipients. This selection can also be fully automated based on the metrics of your choice.

Improved Social Media Reporting: The social media sharing report has been improved and a new publishing report has been added that allows senders to compare the success of different publishing channels, for example email compared to various social media platforms.

Improved Tracking Reports: The tracking reports have been streamlined and the process for creating custom reports has been completely overhauled, allowing senders to easily evaluate the success of multiple jobs or compare the metrics of a specific job to the average.

Improved Subscriber Reporting: Enhanced reports for recipient datasets and hosted lists show the development of the list size as well as subscribes and unsubscribes over time, making it easy to see the big picture and hone in on trends.

Improved Delivery Options: When scheduling jobs, senders can now set up a staggered delivery so that instead of being delivered to all recipients at the same time, the messages are delivered in batches, with a configurable delay between each batch.

For more details and a full list of new features, see the LISTSERV Maestro 6.0 What's New Manual.

LISTSERV Maestro Overview Feature Checklist
Operating Systems Hardware Requirements
License Sizes and Pricing Technical Support
Remote Installation Renewal Details
LISTSERV Maestro Demo Request Information

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