Release Notes for LISTSERV Maestro, Version 2.1


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Subscriber Interface | Recipient Data Management | Tracking | Administration | System Support


Subscriber Interface Enhancements

Introduced in LISTSERV Maestro 2.0, the Subscriber Interface allowed subscribers to join LISTSERV Maestro Hosted Lists and update their own information. Now, with version 2.1, LISTSERV Maestro improves the Subscriber Interface by adding a powerful and flexible Customization wizard, by providing the data administrator with new subscription management options, and by offering a powerful tool for translating the LUI, HUB, and Subscriber Interface. These enhancements are described in the following sections.

The Subscriber Interface Customization Wizard                New Subscriber Options             New Resource Translation Tool

The Subscriber Interface Customization Wizard

The Customization wizard for the Subscriber Interface makes it possible for the data administrator to customize every page and email that a subscriber will see. This will make it easier for you to focus on your subscribers’ “touch points” and convey your organization’s message. This same customization can be applied to all of the pages related to a single dataset or you can customize each individual page. For example, text for some lists can be in English, and text for others can be in French, or the entire look and feel of the signup page for an individual list can be different from all other lists in the dataset.

Context-sensitive instructions guide you through the Customization wizard, describing each template, listing the placeholders used in each template, and showing you how each template relates to the others.

The Customization wizard maintains two versions of every template – a draft version and a production version. You are also able to test the draft version of the template, using varying conditions, before releasing it into production. 

Where to find: To access, simply click on the Recipient Warehouse icon on the home page of the LISTSERV Maestro User Interface, then select Recipient Dataset. From the Recipient Dataset tab, click on the name of the dataset you would like to work with. The Recipient Dataset Details screen opens with two tabs. Click on the Membership Area Layout tab to start customizing the subscriber pages for that dataset. 

New Subscriber Options

There are two new options for subscribers:

·         Hosted LISTSERV List (HLL) subscribers can now control their “nomail” and digest settings using the Subscriber Interface.

·         Hosted Recipient List (HRL) subscribers can now suspend mailings on lists that they subscribe to. This is similar to the “nomail” setting in Hosted LISTSERV Lists.

Where to find: For datasets where the Subscriber pages are marked as Open to Everyone or Access for Members Only, members can login to manage their profiles. On the My Lists tab, any list that a member is not subscribed to has a Subscribe link in the Action column; any list that the member is subscribed to has an Edit Profile link. 

The Subscribe and Edit Profile links will open any list-specific profile field that can be changed and saved. Use the Subscription Status drop-down menu to suspend (“nomail”) or activate mailings. If the member is subscribed to a Hosted LISTSERV List (HLL), and that HLL has the digest setting enabled, then use the Subscription Type drop-down menu to change the digest settings.

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New Resource Translation Tool

The Resource Translation Tool (RTT) is a separate application that makes it easy to make global changes in English or to translate all of the Subscriber, LUI, and HUB pages into another language. The languages that are available for the LUI and HUB interfaces are English, French, German, Spanish, and Swedish. There are 27 languages available for the Subscriber Interface. The default language for the Subscriber Interface can be set for the whole site or by group.

Where to find: Before you can start using the Translation Tool, the following basic requirements must be met:

·         You need to have access to a server with an installation of LISTSERV Maestro.

·         You need to have an installation of the L-Soft Resource Translation Tool.

·         You need to have a Translation Kit that matches the LISTSERV Maestro version that you have installed.

·         You need a basic understanding of editing HTML code (and the meaning of the various HTML tags and how to escape reserved HTML characters).

The Translation Tool contains several components – one for the LISTSERV Maestro Administration Hub, one for the LISTSERV User Interface Main Application, and one for the LISTSERV User Interface Subscriber Pages.

Upon startup, the Translation Tool performs an integrity check of the translation kit files in the tool’s work folder. Once this check is complete, a drop-down list of the valid translation kits is displayed. To begin with your translation, select the translation kit, the translation kit component, and the target language. Click [OK] to begin translating.

The Translation Tool can also be used to import translations from previous versions of LISTSERV Maestro, if available. To import a translation, click the [Import] button to view a list of available versions. Select the desired version and click [OK]. The import transfers the translations for all unchanged properties in to the current version. If a property has changed or a new one was added in the new version of LISTSERV Maestro, then you’ll need to supply a translation for these properties.

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Recipient Data Management Enhancements

Introduced in LISTSERV Maestro 2.0, hosted datasets and lists gave you the ability to manage your subscribers’ data within LISTSERV Maestro. Now, with version 2.1, several new and powerful data management features have been implemented. These new features include: automatic bounce processing, flexible dataset administration, and shared subscriber management and reporting. These features are described in the following sections.

Automatic Bounce Processing                Flexible Dataset Administration               Shared Subscriber Management and Reporting

Automatic Bounce Processing

Automatic bounce processing has always been available for Hosted LISTSERV Lists (HLLs). Now, with version 2.1, LISTSERV Maestro has added the ability for you to define bounce processing settings for Hosted Recipient Lists (HRLs) in all of your datasets.

Where to find: To set up bounce processing for your datasets, simply click on the Recipient Warehouse icon on the LISTSERV Maestro User Interface home page, then select Recipient Dataset. Click on the Bounce Processing Settings tab to display the bounce removal settings for all of the datasets in your Recipient Warehouse. These setting include:

·         The number of bounces with a minimum time between the first and last bounce that it would take before an email address is removed from the Recipient Warehouse.

·         The age a bounced email message has to be before it no longer counts against the number of bounces.

To change these settings, click the Edit Settings link. The Edit Bounce Processing Settings screen opens. Make your changes, and then click [OK] to save. Click [Cancel] to ignore your changes and return to the Bounce Processing Setting tab.

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Flexible Dataset Administration

In LISTSERV Maestro 2.1, numerous enhancements have been made to make dataset administration easier to perform. These enhancements include:

·         The ability to make modifications to a “live” dataset, such as adding, changing, or removing data fields. Once you have existing datasets in the Recipient Warehouse, their settings can be fully edited until there are lists or members added to them. After lists or members become part of a dataset, only limited editing capabilities are available.

Where to find: To edit the settings of an existing dataset, click on the Recipient Warehouse icon on the LISTSERV Maestro User Interface home page. Then, click Recipient Datasets. The Recipient Datasets screen opens. From here, click on the dataset name from the list on the Recipient Dataset tab. A split screen will appear, showing the dataset and any lists in the left frame and the dataset information in the right frame. Click on the Actions link in the right corner to open a menu of actions that can be performed on the dataset. The top menu item, Edit Dataset Settings, will open the Recipient Dataset Definition wizard so its settings can be changed.

If there are members or mailing lists in the dataset, meaning that it’s “live”, then the following settings can be changed without significant impact on the dataset – the  name of the dataset, the list administrator email address, the public description, field display names, the access level of the membership area, and the closed for maintenance check box.

It is also possible to add new fields, remove existing fields, reorder fields, or rename fields. However, as this requires a change in the structure of the underlying database tables, the dataset may be unavailable for a significant time while the entire dataset is rebuilt with the new structure. In order to prevent unanticipated disruptions to the dataset, these types of changes are disabled by default. In order to make such changes, it is necessary to first click on the Enable advances changes link on the Profile Fields screen of the Recipient Dataset wizard.

Note: If there are Membership Area Layout customizations of templates that include data fields, then adding, removing, reordering, or renaming fields will require changes to these customized templates. LISTSERV Maestro will attempt to fix the production version of the templates, but a review of these templates is recommended to make sure the fix was successful.

·         The ability to designate “optional” fields as “hidden” or “read-only” so that subscribers cannot change them. It is then up to the data administrator or designated team member(s) to populate these fields.

Where to find: To mark an optional field as hidden or read-only, go to the Profile Fields screen of the Recipient Dataset Definition Wizard. To edit a field, click the Edit link. To add a new field, click the Add Field link. Then, click the drop-down menu for the input type and select Hidden or Read-Only.

Note: Boolean fields cannot be optional, but they can be visible or hidden.

·         The Upload wizard can now import data from files that are missing mandatory data fields. This is done by simply defining default values to the fields with missing data.

Where to find: To define default values for missing data, go to the Mapping Details screen of the Upload wizard. Click on a field to edit its default value. The Define Default Value screen opens. The default value will be used for all subscribers that do not supply a value for that field.

·         LISTSERV Maestro can now keep subscriber activity change logs to assist with recovery in the event of a “crash”. This log keeps track of the following activities – subscribing, unsubscribing, joining, un-registering, and address changes of all subscribers and members of hosted lists and datasets. By default, the subscriber change log is deactivated.

Where to find: The change log is activated by setting the ChangeLog entry to “true” and specifying a time period in the INI-file for LUI. Possible change log time periods are daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. The time period must follow the keyword “true”, separated with a comma.

·         The name fields for Hosted LISTSERV Lists (HLLs) can now be marked as “optional”, and the Firstname<space>Lastname restriction has been removed.

Where to find: To set a name field as optional, go to the Profile Fields screen of the Hosted LISTSERV List wizard or the Recipient Dataset Definition wizard. Click the Add Field link, enter the name’s information, then click the Input Type drop-down menu and select Optional.

·         The default language for use on the Subscriber Pages can now be set at the dataset level.

Where to find: Go to the Recipient Dataset Definition wizard. This can be done by creating a new dataset or editing an exiting dataset. On the General screen, click the Access Pages Language drop-down menu. Select the language to use on the subscriber access pages of the dataset (and lists within the dataset). The drop-down list contains the languages that are currently available on your system. Choose English (Default) to use the system default language text. If available, choose English (Customized) to use your own customized English text. Other languages may also be available (depending on the foreign language translations you’ve created using the Resource Translation Tool).

·         The number of entries for any single lookup table has been increased from 200 to 1000 items.

Where to find: Click on the Recipient Warehouse icon on the home page of the LISTSERV Maestro User Interface, then select Recipient Dataset. From the Recipient Dataset tab, click on the Lookup Tables tab. From here, edit or create a new lookup table. To edit a table’s values, simply click Actions, and then select Edit Values. To create a new table, click the [Create New Lookup Table] button. The Lookup Table screen opens. Enter a name for the lookup table, select the encoding for the data in the table, and then type in a description of the contents of the table. Click [OK] to continue. The Edit Lookup Table Entries screen opens. Lookup table entries can be added manually one by one, or they can be uploaded from a text file that contains one entry per line. The number of entries for any single lookup table is limited to 1000 items. To add single entries, click the [Add New Entry] button. Type one item in the text box, and then click [OK]. Click the [Add New Entry] again to add the next item. To upload a text file, click the [Upload Entries] button. Browse for the file on a local drive, select it, and then click [OK]. Once there are items listed in the lookup table, they can be edited, deleted, moved up, or moved down in the list. Use the adjacent links – Edit, Delete, Move Up, Move Down – to change the item in the table. Click [OK] to accept the entries in the lookup table.

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Shared Subscriber Management and Reporting

Team Collaboration is now available for all datasets, allowing the data administrator to designate certain rights to other team members. These rights include the ability to add, remove, or modify subscribers, plus the ability to browse through subscriber data for purposes of downloading data for reports, etc.  In addition, data administrators can now define default Team Collaborations settings for all new datasets.

Where to find: To define default Team Collaboration settings, click on the User Settings icon, and then click Preferences. The User Preferences screen opens; click Dataset Team Collaboration. Select the rights that you want to assign to each individual member. The rights selected here will be applied as the default for all new datasets. New datasets will start out with these collaboration rights already assigned. You can then change the rights for each individual datasets. To assign multiple rights at the same time:

·         Click on the name of the member to select/unselect all of the rights for that member.

·         Click on the name of a right to select/unselect it for all members.

·         Click on Team Member to select/unselect all of the rights for all members.

To set up team collaboration for a dataset, click the Actions link, and then select Team Collaboration. The Team Collaboration screen opens. All of the team members in the same group as your own account are listed in the table on this screen.

Note: Only data administrators have the right to grant team collaboration permissions to other team members; therefore, if you cannot access the Team Collaboration screen, then you are not a data administrator.

To grant permissions to other team members, simply check the box that corresponds to that particular permission. To revoke permissions, simply uncheck the box for that particular permission. To grant or revoke all of the permissions for a team member, click on the team member’s name. All of the boxes will either be checked or unchecked simultaneously.

To copy existing permissions from another dataset, select the dataset from the drop-down menu. The permissions will be automatically copied.

The following permissions can be granted to a team member:

·         Customize Subscriber Pages
If this box is checked, then the team member has permission to customize the subscriber pages associated with the dataset and its hosted lists.

·         Add/Remove Subscribers
If this box is checked, then the team member has permission to add new members to the dataset or new subscribers to the hosted lists in the dataset. They can also remove members or subscribers from the dataset or its lists.

If this permission is granted, then the Modify Subscribers and Browse Subscribers permissions are also granted.

·         Modify Subscribers
If this box is checked, then the team member has permission to modify existing members of the dataset or modify existing subscribers of the hosted lists in the dataset.

If this permission is granted, then the Browse Subscribers permission is granted. If this permission is revoked, and the Add/Remove Subscribers permission was already granted, then both permissions are revoked.

·         Browse Subscribers
If this box is checked, then the team member has permission to browse and view the list of current members of the dataset or subscribers of the hosted lists in the dataset.

If this permission is revoked, and the Add/Remove Subscribers and/or the Modify Subscribers permissions were already granted, then all three permissions will be revoked.

Note: Some team members in the list may be displayed as “read only”, with all permissions granted and the Data-Admin label. This means that this particular team member is a data administrator. A data administrator always possesses all possible permissions, which can not be revoked from them on this screen. A user is considered a data administrator if the Administer Hosted Recipient Datasets option is granted in the Administration HUB (set by the administrator).

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Tracking Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to improve your ability to track the behavior of the recipients of your email jobs. These enhancements are described in the following sections.

Tracking Restrictions                  Tracking Links in Drop-Ins

Tracking Restrictions

The administrator can now control what tracking types each user or group is able to define while tracking a LISTSERV Maestro email job.

Where to find: To set up the default tracking types, click on the Global Component Settings icon on the home page of the Administration Hub. Next, click Maestro User Interface. The Component Administration for Maestro User Interface screen opens; click on Default Tracking Restrictions. The Tracking Restrictions screen opens. From here, you can define the type of tracking that will be available, by default. To enable a tracking type, select Enable. To disable, but still display the tracking type, select Disabled. To disable and hide a tracking type, select Hidden.

To set up the tracking restrictions for a group, click on the Administer User Accounts icon on the home page of the Administration Hub. Next, click on the name of the group you want to set the restrictions for. The Group Setting screen opens; click Tracking Restrictions. To enable a tracking type, select Enable. To disable, but still display the tracking type, select Disabled. To disable and hide a tracking type, select Hidden. To use the default setting, select Use Default.

If the user does not belong to a group, then you can set up tracking restrictions for this particular user. Click on the Administer User Accounts icon on the home page of the Administration Hub, and then click on the name of the user. The Define User Account screen opens; click Maestro User Interface. The Single User Settings screen opens; click Tracking Restrictions. To enable a tracking type, select Enable. To disable, but still display the tracking type, select Disabled. To disable and hide a tracking type, select Hidden. To use the default setting, select Use Default.

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Tracking Links in Drop-Ins

If drop-ins are enabled in the content of a message and if the content contains at least one user-defined drop-in (not a system drop-in), then you now have the ability to track the links within this drop-in content.

Where to find: Go to the Tracking Details screen of the Tracking Details wizard. The Tracking Details screen lets you determine the type(s) of recipient behavior to track. LISTSERV Maestro will track two different types of recipient interaction with a message – Standard Tracking and Drop-In Tracking. If both types of tracking are available, then the Tracking Details screen will contain two tabs – the Standard Tracking tab and the Drop-In Tracking tab. If only one type of tracking is available, then only that type of tracking will be shown on the Tracking Details screen.

If drop-ins are enabled in the content of the message and if the content contains at least one user-defined drop-in (not a system drop-in), then the Drop-In Tracking tab will be displayed, letting you track any trackable links that may appear in the content of the drop-ins.

Select No if you do not want to track links that appear in the drop-in content. Select Yes to track all trackable links that appear in the drop-in content. If you selected Yes, then you can also define if a link alias will be assigned to these links. If you choose to assign an alias, then you have the choice between a user-defined alias and using the name of the drop-in as the alias. To assign an alias, select Automatically assign an alias to all tracked links in the drop-ins. To define a user-defined alias, select Use the following alias, and then enter the alias name in the text box. To use the name of the drop-in as the alias name, then select Use the drop-in’s name as the alias for all tracked links in each drop-in.

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Administration Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to improve the administrator’s ability to manage and control accounts. These enhancements are described in the following sections.

LUI Admin Account        Refreshing the Subscriber Page Translations        Creating a Test-Bed Backup       DomainKeys Signing

LUI Admin Account

The LUI interface for the special “admin” account has been improved, making it easier for the administrator to deal with staffing changes. These enhancements include:

·         The ability to display jobs or reports owned by a particular owner or group.

Where to find: To view jobs, click the Resume Job icon for a listing of all the current jobs that have not been delivered yet, the Outbox icon for all of the jobs that have been authorized for delivery, or the Delivered Jobs icon for all of the jobs that have already been delivered. Then, click the Display the jobs owned by drop-down menu and select the owner or group you want to view. A list of jobs owned by that user/group will be displayed.

To view reports, click the Tracking Reports icon for a listing of all the currently defined reports. Click the Display the reports owned by drop-down menu and select the owner or group you want to view. A list of reports owned by that user/group will be displayed.

·         The ability to list all jobs or reports that have been “orphaned” when their owner’s account was deleted.

Where to find: To view orphaned jobs, click the Resume Job icon for a listing of all the current jobs that have not been delivered yet, the Outbox icon for all of the jobs that have been authorized for delivery, or the Delivered Jobs icon for all of the jobs that have already been delivered. Then, click the Display the jobs owned by drop-down menu and select No Owner. A list of jobs with no owner will be displayed.

To view orphaned reports, click the Tracking Reports icon for a listing of all the currently defined reports. Click the Display the reports owned by drop-down menu and select No Owner. A list of reports with no owner will be displayed.

·         The ability to change the owner of more than one job or report at a time.

Where to find: To reassign a job, click the Resume Job icon for a listing of all the current jobs that have not been delivered yet, the Outbox icon for all of the jobs that have been authorized for delivery, or the Delivered Jobs icon for all of the jobs that have already been delivered. Then, click the Display the jobs owned by drop-down menu and select the owner of the job you want to reassign or select Any Owner. Check the box next to all of the jobs you want to reassign, and then click the Actions link. Select Change owner of all selected jobs, and then use the drop-down menu to select an owner for the job(s). Click [OK] to save the change.

To reassign a report, click the Tracking Reports icon for a listing of all the currently defined reports. Click the Display the reports owned by drop-down menu and select the owner of the report you want to reassign or select Any Owner. Check the box next to all of the reports you want to reassign, and then click the Actions link. Select Change owner of all selected reports, and then use the drop-down menu to select an owner for the report(s). Click [OK] to save the change.

·         The ability to delete more than one job or report at a time.

Where to find: To delete more than one job, click the Resume Job icon for a listing of all the current jobs that have not been delivered yet, the Outbox icon for all of the jobs that have been authorized for delivery, or the Delivered Jobs icon for all of the jobs that have already been delivered. Then, click the Display the jobs owned by drop-down menu and select the owner of the job you want to delete or select Any Owner. Check the box next to all of the jobs you want to delete, and then click the Actions link. Select Delete all selected jobs, and then click [OK].

To delete more than one report, click the Tracking Reports icon for a listing of all the currently defined reports. Click the Display the reports owned by drop-down menu and select the owner of the report you want to delete or select Any Owner. Check the box next to all of the reports you want to delete, and then click the Actions link. Select Delete all selected reports, and then click [OK].

·         The ability to archive more than one job at a time.

Where to find: Click on the Delivered Jobs icon. The Delivered Jobs screen opens, listing all of the previously delivered jobs. Check the box next to each job ID that you want to archive, and then click the Actions link. Select Move all selected jobs to archive. The Job Administration screen opens. Click the [Move to Archive] button.

·         The ability to import more than one job at a time.

Where to find: Click on the Import Job icon. A listing of all the jobs currently present in the archive will appear. Check the box next to all the jobs you want to import, and then click the Actions link. Select Import all selected jobs. Imported jobs will have to be assigned a new Job Owner. From the Delivered Jobs screen, check the box next to the job(s) you want to assign a new owner to, and then click the Actions link. Select Change owner of all selected jobs, and then use the drop-down menu to select an owner for the imported archived job. Once restored, an imported job will be listed again in Delivered Jobs with its original Date and Time of Delivery (not the archived date).

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Refreshing the Subscriber Page Translations

Translations for the Subscriber Pages are maintained externally with the L-Soft Resource Translation Tool and are made available to LISTSERV Maestro as JAR files. New versions of these files are automatically loaded by the system during startup. However, in certain situations, the administrator may want to refresh or get new versions of the translation files without restarting. This is now possible with the simple click of a button. 

Where to find: Open a browser and log in to the Administration Hub. Click Global Component Settings > Maestro User Interface > General Administration. The General Administration of Maestro User Interface screen opens. In the Subscriber Access Page Translations section, click the [Refresh Translation Now] button.

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Creating a Test-Bed Backup

In certain situations (i.e. testing an upgrade, beta testing, or training), it may be useful to make a copy of all the data in a given LISTSERV Maestro installation and transfer it into a second (test-bed) installation without affecting the production installation.

Where to find: To create a test-bed backup on the original system, log in to the Administration Hub of the original installation. Click Global Component Settings > Administration Hub > General Administration.  From the General Components Settings for Administration Hub screen, click the [Create Test-Bed Backup] button.

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DomainKeys Signing

LISTSERV Maestro now allows you to use DomainKeys signatures to authenticate that the message (sent for a specific email job) does indeed originate from the domain in the “From:” address. Major ISPs already check every incoming mail to see if it is signed with a valid DomainKeys signature. Once DomainKeys has become an accepted standard for message origin verification, the current policy of only informing the recipient about the DomainKeys verification result in an additional header entry may change, and an ISP may opt to not even deliver the message to the recipient or to mark it as coming from an unsure origin. Therefore, in order to achieve good deliverability, signing messages with a valid DomainKeys signature will become more important in the future.

Support for DomainKeys Signatures in LISTSERV Maestro works on three levels:

·         LISTSERV as the mail distribution engine must be configured to support DomainKeys signatures for certain address domains, which requires creating a valid private/public RSA key pair and additional configuration of LISTSERV parameters. See the LISTSERV documentation for further details about setting up DomainKeys at a LISTSERV host.

·         The LISTSERV Maestro Administration Hub allows you to enable or disable DomainKeys signatures on the application default level and the group/single user level.

·         The LISTSERV Maestro User Interface contains settings for defining the sender of a certain email job.

Where to find: To define application-wide default settings for DomainKeys signatures, open the Administration Hub, click on the Global Component Settings icon, click Maestro User Interface, and then click Default DomainKeys Settings. The DomainKeys Settings screen opens, allowing you to define the default behavior for DomainKeys signatures, and to define whether or not users are allowed to change the DomainKeys signature setting for each job.

To setup the DomainKeys signature settings for a group or user, open the Administration Hub, click on the Administer User Accounts icon, click on the name of a group or user, then click DomainKeys Settings. In addition to the options described above, this page also allows you to define whether or not a certain group or single user is supposed to use the application-wide defaults or special local settings.

If users or groups have the ability to change the default DomainKeys signature settings, then the DomainKeys Settings section is enabled on the Edit Sender Information screen in the LISTSERV Maestro User Interface. To access this screen, click on the Define Sender icon in the Workflow diagram or the Edit link in the Sender section of the Summary diagram.

If you want the email message for this particular job to contain a DomainKey signature, then select the Yes, sign message option. If you do not want the email message for this particular job to contain a DomainKey signature, then select the No, don’t sign message option.

Note: LISTSERV Maestro interacts with LISTSERV to determine if the supplied sender address is supported by one of the DomainKeys that were deployed to the LISTSERV host when DomainKeys signatures were configured by the administrator. This check is performed at several stages during the life cycle of an email job, one of which is while defining a sender. The sender definition settings of an email job are only accepted as valid if either DomainKeys signatures are switched off (by selecting the No, don’t sign message option or clicking on the Click to disable link) or if the check succeeds at the LISTSERV host that is configured for the account. If the email address is not accepted as valid, then an error message appears. If this happens, contact your administrator for assistance.

Note: If the email job is configured for future delivery, then there is a considerable time window during which the administrator may opt to change the DomainKeys settings at the LISTSERV host. Therefore, if DomainKeys has been disabled during this time window, then the email job delivery will fail with an appropriate error message.

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System Support Enhancements

The following database and operating system enhancements have been added to LISTSERV Maestro 2.1:

·         Asian languages are now supported by LISTSERV Maestro. This includes all Korean, Chinese, and Japanese characters (charsets).

·         It is now possible to define a MS SQL Server database using its instance name.

·         IBM DB2 version 8.2 is now a supported DBMS for a system database or a recipient data source. A new database plugin has been added to access IBM DB2 V8.2 with a “thin” driver, which does not require the installation of the native DB2 database client on the LUI server.

·         Oracle 10g is now a supported DBMS for a system database or a recipient data source.

·         The LISTSERV Maestro server is now supported on Mac OS X 10.4 and other compatible versions.

·         The Mozilla Firefox browser on Mac OS X is now supported as a LISTSERV Maestro client for accessing the LUI and HUB interfaces.

·         The Safari browser (version 2.0, build 412 and later) on Mac OS X is now supported as a LISTSERV Maestro client for accessing the LUI and HUB interfaces.

·         MS SQL Server 2005 is now supported with the free open-source jTDS driver. The jTDS driver support is also available with MS SQL Server 2000.

·         New or customized web pages (independent of LISTSERV Maestro) can now be served by the Tomcat Server.

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