Case Studies: AEGEE

AEGEE Connects Students Across Europe


AEGEE is one of the biggest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe, representing 15,000 students from a wide variety of countries and cultures. It is a secular, non-profit organization that is not affiliated with any political party and strives to promote a unified and tolerant European society. All projects and activities are based on its members' volunteer work.

AEGEE has been using LISTSERV® since 1997. At that time, the Internet was not yet as widely used as it is today, and mailing lists were still quite uncommon among students in Europe. However, the members of AEGEE needed a way to communicate and stay in touch with one another despite their assorted locations. That's when AEGEE turned to LISTSERV.

"With the help of LISTSERV, we have not only managed to connect our members, but we've received services we had never expected, most noticeably the ability to filter and reject spam and the newly introduced support for DomainKeys."

Email Lists Engage Participants Before Offline Events

Today, with its 232 branches, AEGEE organizes more than 400 yearly events and involves more than 4,000 members.

"Apart from each event's main objective, we always try to strengthen the friendship and connect the participants with the organizers well before the event starts. Our LISTSERV mailing lists provided exactly what was needed to fill the gap."

Email Votes and Press Releases via LISTSERV

"We have used LISTSERV in ways that were not foreseen during the initial development. For example, when we perform a vote or election, we create a new mailing list, define the topics representing the different options to be voted on, and then subscribe all of the people who are supposed to vote. The subscribers simply reply and vote for the topics they want, and then LISTSERV helps us generate and post the results using the mailing list."

AEGEE also stays connected with the outside world. "Apart from our publications, we distribute press releases on our largest mailing list, AEGEENEWS-L, in order to keep the world and our members informed about the statements and positions we make."

Top-Level Email Discussion on AEGEE-L

AEGEE-L started as the first mailing list for AEGEE, representing a true virtual melting pot of what was going on in the association. It is the place to discuss ideas about AEGEE and Europe, and get help from others and stay in touch with the AEGEE community as a whole.

"Simply put, AEGEE-L is 'the mother' of AEGEE mailing lists. It is a place where every member can join in on discussions, share opinions and read articles that are relevant to today's European youth."

"Several of my friends do not believe that an unmoderated discussion list with more than a hundred subscribers will not be misused if all the members have the ability to post messages. AEGEE-L, with its 1,500 subscribers, is the proof that communication can work in this way."

AEGEE Web Archives

Local, Regional, European-Wide Communication is as Busy as Ever

Today, with the enormous increase of special-interest and working groups within AEGEE, many other mailing lists have emerged. In fact, AEGEE has 590 email lists with a total of 96,000 subscribers and 21,000 daily deliveries. AEGEE email list communication continues to be busy on every level – local, regional and European-wide. This constant communication is a result of AEGEE's tireless support of the projects, activities, friendships, work groups and missions of European students.

"During my two and a half years administering LISTSERV, I have been in contact with hundreds of users, each having different needs and requirements. In all cases, I have gladly managed to satisfy their wishes with email lists."

Case study written in October 2006 with the assistance of Dilyan Palauzov, Mailing Lists Manager of AEGEE.

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